This short survey aims to gather your opinion about practices and experiences on societal engagement, starting from the good practices developed by the SocKETs project and summarized in The Tech Industry’s Guide.
You can fill in the survey anonymously or provide your contacts. We also hope you would like to endorse our Tech Guide, with your name and possibly a short statement.

Societal engagement is seen as an increasingly important action to facilitate and increase the impact of R&I activities. Engaging society in design and development of technological innovations can improve the quality of research outcomes, and help building trust and understanding between science, industry and society. It could act as a form of collaborative innovation aiming to the joint development of new values.

The European project SocKETs - Societal Engagement with Key Enabling Technologies (2020-2023) performed six societal engagement labs with industry, research, public bodies and citizens. Our Tech Industry's Guide provides a quick overview of pros and cons, and practical suggestions to put in practice societal engagement. The main targets are research and industry actors dealing with enabling technologies.

Let us know your opinion on how societal engagement and our Tech Guide could be useful for you. Your views will inform our recommendations to the European Commission and all stakeholders on how to integrate societal engagement in R&I processes.

Compilation should take no more than 10 minutes.

The SocKETs team

1st part – Your views on societal engagement in technological innovation
With “societal engagement” we mean a process integrating all stakeholders’ perspectives, including citizens and civil society, throughout the innovation development, going beyond the simple consultation or deliberation to reach co-creation and facilitating collaboration, mutual learning and a higher degree of responsiveness amongst the actors involved.

Question Title

* 1. What is your experience with societal engagement? Did you or your organisation used it, or is currently using it?

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* 2. How important is the active involvement of stakeholders, including citizens, in developing technological innovation?

Question Title

* 3. Which kind of impact you can relate to societal engagement activities?

Question Title

* 4. Feel free to add a comment explaining your views
(e.g. enrich and inspire the process, an opportunity for growth, time-consuming, create friction between people, etc.)

2nd part – Your views on SocKETs Tech Guide

Question Title

* 5. How deep did you go in reading the Guide?

Question Title

* 6. Did the Guide influence or change the way you see societal engagement?

Question Title

* 7. What you think you are going to do with the Guide?

Question Title

* 8. Could you imagine sharing the Guide with someone?

Question Title

* 9. What do you like or do not like about the Guide? Is there anything missing?

Question Title

* 10. Which part of the Guide interested you the most?

3rd part – If you like, give us your endorsement on societal engagement practices and the SocKETs Tech Guide!
With “endorsement” we mean a statement in support of societal engagement practices and possibly more explicitly on the Guide, in which, for example, you indicate your willingness to use it or testify to its quality. We are looking for these endorsements to assess the interest of stakeholders in societal engagement practices, the effectiveness of the Guide, and consequently of SocKETs and its methodology, and to showcase and promote it.

Question Title

* 11. Can we mention your name as one of the endorsing subjects of the Guide?
(you can make your endorsement as an individual, or representing your organization)

Question Title

* 12. Please provide the way we can mention you in the list of subjects endorsing societal engagement practices and the Guide

Question Title

* 13. If you like, leave here a brief statement on the value of societal engagement for innovation and/or on the Guide, to mention it together with your name (or anonymously)

Question Title

* 14. Let us know the level of disclosure of the information given in question 12 and 13

Additional profile info (optional)

Question Title

* 15. Did you take part in the SocKETs Lab?

Question Title

* 16. Which organisation are you from?

Question Title

* 17. What is your organisation main activity/business/field of operation?

Question Title

* 18. What is your role within your organisation?

Data management disclaimer
The survey is collected by Airi – Italian Association for Industrial Research: see here our privacy policy. Please note that the information you provide will be analysed and kept confidential within the SocKETs consortium and not shared with other parties. This apart from information provided in questions 11-14.

Airi – Italian Association for Industrial Research
Olmo Guagnetti:

The SocKETs project (Societal Engagement with Key Enabling Technologies) has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no.958277.