1. Introduction

This brief questionnaire is intended to collect your feedback after testing and use of specific tools or models, which are being evaluated and analyzed in caLIBRAte to further develop the Nano Risk Governance Portal for nanomaterials and nano-enabled products. 

Please compile the questionnaire with respect to the specific model tested. 

User feed-back is essential to generate independent input on the user friendliness of the different methods and guidance for matching user requirements.

We are grateful for your contribution.

Professor Keld Alstrup Jensen (MSc, PhD)
Coordinator of caLIBRAte (www.nanocalibrate.eu)

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your role and expertise

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate the type of organization you belong to

Question Title

* 3. Please select the tool tested:
(reply to the next questions with respect to the tool indicate here)

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate very briefly your overall opinion on the pros and cons of the tool tested
(in the next questions you will be asked to further detail your views)